ICYMI - Fact Check: Attack Ad On Sutton

Wednesday evening, Keloland TV aired a fact check of Noem’s latest attack ad, “Neighbors.” Reporter Angela Kennecke found that the so-called “neighbors” featured in the ad were actually GOP-insiders that lived in entirely different towns or up to 38 miles away from the Suttons.  

Kennecke reports:

“Juracek also lives in Gregory and Sutton lives in Burke, more than eight miles apart from one another. 

Juracek told KELOLAND News he and Sutton went to the same high school but admitted he's much older than Sutton. Juracek also said he didn't know Billie's address. 

‘His folks ranched on the river bottom before it flooded,’ Linda Paulson said in TV ad.

‘We were two miles apart, so I know him,’ Ron Paulson said in TV ad.

That's Linda and Ron Paulson of Fairfax. Ron told KELOALND News his family and the Suttons were truly neighbors while he was growing up and he knows everything about the Sutton family.  

However, today the Paulsons live more than 38 miles away from the Suttons.

They were also delegates at the 2018 South Dakota GOP convention and had their picture taken with Kristi Noem. 

Sarah Svoboda was also a 2018 delegate at the South Dakota Republican Convention.

‘He's a Democrat and he tries to pretend he's not,’ Svoboda said in TV ad.

And while it may say she's Sutton's neighbor on the ad, she lives 14 miles away in Gregory.”

Read the rest of the story here.

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